Loyola Marymount University's ACCESS program (A Community Committed to Excellence in Scientific Scholarship) is designed for first-year students of any major in the Seaver College of Science and Engineering. The goal of the program is to build community and prepare students for academic success through collaborative engagement in engineering and scientific scholarship. 

Examples of students who thrive in the ACCESS program include those who are the first in their families to pursue a four-year degree, have a high financial need, or are commuter students.

Elements of the ACCESS Program

Priority Move-In

ACCESS students will have the opportunity to move into their permanent housing assignment on the first day of student move-in. 

First Year Seminar
The program continues through the fall semester with all ACCESS students enrolling in a common first-year seminar course: Principles of Scientific Reasoning.

Community Activities
Group activities will be incorporated remotely over the summer, and in person during the first week of the semester and throughout the academic year. Participants have the opportunity to build connections with other students and to meet faculty, staff, and key administrators, becoming an integral part of the engineering and scientific community before the semester begins.

Apply to Join
In order to access the application, students must be committed to LMU for fall 2025. Login using your Future Lions credentials. Click here to apply for the 2025-2026 academic year. 

Contact Us
If you have any questions about participating in this learning community, contact Center for Student Success at css@lmu.edu


  • We thank the following generous donors who have supported the ACCESS program over the years:

    • Thomas and Marlene Hynes
    • Robert and Sharon Sclabassi
    • The Employees Community Fund of Boeing California
    • The Northrop Grumann Corporation
    • SpaceX
    • National Science Foundation
Maura Hurst ‘27
When asked “Do you believe ACCESS connected you to faculty that you would otherwise have not been connected with?” Maura said “Probably Dr. Wilson, he’s such a caring professor, and probably one of my favorite professors.”
Makari Green ‘26
When asked “Do you feel a sense of community with your peers?” Makari said “ACCESS not only made my academic journey better, but helped me develop life long friendships.”
Emilio Plascencia-McCort ‘27
When asked “Is ACCESS beneficial?” Emilio said “ACCESS was beneficial in allowing us to come to campus early and get familiar with our surroundings. Even introducing us to a few professors!”
Mahealani Plunke ‘27
When asked “What do you feel you gained the most from ACCESS?” Mahealani said “The relationships. I met my best friend in ACCESS and when I switched majors I had someone I could reach out to and ask for help.”
Ashley Lee ‘26
When asked “Would you choose ACCESS again after already experiencing it?” Ashley said “ACCESS opened doors to new people and experiences, and I would gladly walk through them again.”