Research in the department ranges from athletic training education to cancer epidemiology. Our goal is to actively engage undergraduates in research. Students are encouraged to contact faculty and discuss potential projects!

Students conducting athletic training research

Faculty Research Interests



Bone Mineral Density, Peak Bone Mass, Osteoporosis Prevention, Energy Availability, Diet and Bone Health, and Interactions between Food Insecurity and Diet Quality

Yong Woo An Brain Function and Sensorimotor/Neurocognitive Interventions in Peripheral Joint Injuries; Concussions
Christopher Cappelli Neurocognition, Neurobiology, Substance Abuse, Addiction and other Health Behaviors
Robert Musci

Aging, Metabolism, Mitochondrial Bioenergetics, and Physiology of Exercise and Skeletal Muscle

Jenevieve Roper

Clinical Biomechanics, Running Gait Retraining, Patellofemoral Pain and Osteoarthritis, Sports Nutrition and Performance

Todd Shoepe  Bloodflow Restriction Training and Bone Health, Resistance Training, Muscle Physiology, Educational Technology in the Classroom, Anatomy and Physiology Education
Sarah Strand

Concussions in Athletes, Therapeutic Modalities in Orthopedic Injuries, Balance and Injuries

Caio Sousa

Aging Physiology, Healthy Lifestyle, Impact of Behavior and Socio-Demographics on Human Physiology, Endurance Sports, Sports Performance

Heather Tarleton Cancer Survivorship, Caregiver Burden, Chronic Disease Epidemiology, Quality of Life Research, Health Services for Marginalized Populations

Ongoing Research


ACLR Impact on Brain-Knee Strength

Exploring the intricate dynamics between an ACLR injury and its effects on the central nervous system (CNS), specifically examining the brain’s role in regulating knee strength post-injury. This study aims to unravel the complexities surrounding how the CNS adapts and influences recovery in ACLR patients. For more information please contact Dr. Yong Woo An.
B2RT (Bloodflow Restriction Resistance Training) Testing the effects of intermittent blood flow restriction (BFR) exercise training on bone health and muscle morphology and performance. BFR is a type of training method involving a partial restriction of arterial blood partial restriction of venous blood outflow in a working muscle group. For more information please contact Dr. Todd Shoepe.
Bone Health Among Athletes This study explores bone mineral density among athletes in different sports comparing results among runners, swimmers, water polo athletes, and non-athletic populations. For more information please contact Dr. Hawley Almstedt.
Community Health Services Partnerships with Los Angeles-based non-profits provide opportunities for students and faculty to assess the health needs of marginalized populations, deliver culturally relevant interventions, and support capacity building effort.
Discrimination and Stress

This study investigates the effect of perception of discrimination of college students on their physiological responses to a stress test. Also, the study explores the hypothesis that other components could boost or attenuate this relationship, such as depression or physical activity. For more information, please contact Dr. Caio Sousa. 

Effects of Concussions on Balance in Ice Hockey Player This study is testing ice hockey players for concussion and assessing how their balance changes throughout their time playing college club hockey and whether concussions affect their balance. For more information, please contact Dr. Sarah Strand.
Health-Related Quality of Life A collaboration with Cedars-Sinai Medical Center is beginning to explore the effectiveness of medical art therapy on improving quality of life and health service utilization among cancer patients. For more information please contact Dr. Heather Tarleton.

Mechanical Assessment and Performance Prediction in Distance Runners

This study investigates the impact of altered running gait mechanics on running performance. Altering gait mechanics is a popular method of managing and treating chronic, running-related injuries. For more information, please contact Dr. Jenevieve Roper.

Mind in Motion Study

The Mind in Motion study is a comparative study of electrocortical and muscular dynamics in varied running techniques. For more information, please contact Dr. Yong Woo An, Dr. Christopher Cappelli or Dr. Jenevieve Roper

Unlocking the Potential of Citrulline Malate. 

This study investigates the effect of a supplement, citrulline malate (CM), on endurance performance in females. CM has been shown to improve endurance in resistance training, but has yet to be thoroughly investigated in cardiovascular endurance. For more information, please contact Dr. Jenevieve Roper.

Previous Research


IMPAACT The IMPAACT Study seeks to "Improve Physical Activity After Cancer Treatment" in order to support cancer survivors in their return to healthy living after treatment. Form more information please contact Dr. Heather Tarleton.
LMU Food and Mood Study The LMU Food and Mood Study collects data on dietary intake among college students and other adults and explores the relationship between nutrient intake and mental health. For more information please contact Dr. Hawley Almstedt.
Longitudinal Study of Young Adult Distance Runners This long-term study will track the changes in men and women young adult distance runners in variables such as bone health, diet, aerobic capacity, and muscular strength. For more information please contact Dr. Hawley Almstedt.
Resistance Band Loading Properties Examining the reliability of the resistance bands that have become a popular training aid in muscular strength and endurance programs. for more information please contact Dr. Todd Shoepe.
Sport Performance in Soccer Players

This study is testing the impact of various training programs on peak force and power output, and the critical speed of soccer players. Peak force and power are key factors in performance, while critical speed provides a measure of threshold pace that an athlete can train to delay fatigue. For more information, please contact Dr. Robert Musci or Dr. Jenevieve Roper

Facilities and Labs

Anatomy & Physiology Lab The Anatomy and Physiology Laboratory provides students the space to develop foundational knowledge in human anatomy and complex physiological systems through hands-on activities including dissections, experimentation, and interactions with preserved specimens and models.
Health Science Lab The Health Science Laboratory is equipped with instrumentation and supplies which enable research and learning about biomarkers of health found in blood and urine samples.
Sports Medicine Lab  The Sports Medicine Laboratory provides a space for future health professionals to acquire the hands-on skills and experience in using equipment common in the physical therapy, occupational therapy, athletic training, and nursing professions.
Applied Physiology Laboratory (APL) The Applied Physiology Laboratory (APL) provides students with the opportunity to get hands-on experience with resistance training equipment, perform balance assessments, and lead group-exercise programs.
Human Performance Lab (HPL)

The Human Performance Teaching and Research Laboratory provides students with the opportunity to work with equipment designed to study exercise science and wellness including health promotion, disease prevention, optimal performance and injury prevention.