Spring 2025 Tutoring








 6-8 pm

FEA 141

Hannah Kotek

BIOL 102, BIOL 202


 6-8 pm

FEA 141

Hannah Kotek

BIOL 102, BIOL 202


 6-8 pm

FEA 141

Ashley Lee

BIOL 102, BIOL 202


 6-8 pm

FEA 141

Ashley Lee

BIOL 102, BIOL 202


The Physics Department is offering drop-in physics tutoring services for PHYS 1100, PHYS 2100, PHYS 2500 and PHYS 2550 in Seaver Hall, Room 109.

Monday/Tuesday/Wednesday/Thursday: 6 - 7:30 pm

Computer Science 

View the Computer Science tutoring schedule for the list of courses and the dates/times tutoring is offered. Tutoring is done at the Keck Lab. 

Tau Beta Pi Tutoring 

View the Tau Beta Pi tutoring schedule for the list of courses and the dates/times tutoring is offered. Tutoring is done through zoom, the EE lounge and the general engineering lounge. 

ARC Tutoring

The Academic Resource Center is offering tutoring services for the courses below. To make an appointment with the ARC, go here to see how.  

Seaver Study Sessions

This is a free service for students to work on homework problems, review notes, and study together with friends. Study Session Leaders can assist with the following courses all in one place:

Every Tuesday & Thursday 12pm - 1:30pm in Pereira Hall 127 & 128.

Fall Semester Spring Semester
BIOL 101, BIOL 111 BIOL 102, BIOL 112
CHEM 110, CHEM 111 CHEM 112, CHEM 113
MATH 120, 122, 131, 132 MATH 120, 122, 131, 132
  PHYS 1100, 2500